Mighty Matthew Cech

My name is Terry and my wife is Lisa. Matthew is the youngest of our three sons. Matthew was born at 37 weeks weighing 7 lbs 3 1/2 oz and 20 inches long. He was perfectly normal at birth. Matthew was a happy baby and hardly ever cried. He grew fine until about six months of age. He weighed 20 pounds at his six month check up and was meeting all of his milestones .

At his one year old checkup, his pediatrician noticed that he had plateaued on his growth chart. Matthew weighed 19 pounds. Matthew had stopped growing. Matthew stopped gaining weight and has severe abdominal bloating and constipation. This was the first sign of something being wrong with Matthew. Matthew also did not walk until he was 19 1/2 months old. Even now, he prefers to sit.

Matthew would get abdominal bloating every day and went away when…

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